Temple of Sciences and Muses

7/4 – 12/6/2016

The 450th anniversary of the establishment of the Research Library in Olomouc provides an opportunity to present the history and development of this important and remarkable institution, as well as unique items from its book collections, which are usually hidden in depositories.  Because of the extensive range of themes, the exhibition will be divided into three separate parts in three different locations: Olomouc Museum of Modern Art, Regional Museum in Olomouc, and the Research Library in Olomouc. They will provide a comprehensive overview of the historical changes to the library which is undoubtedly  among the greatest gems of the city of Olomouc.

You will see the most valuable exhibits from the historical collections of the library: manuscripts from the 11th to the 16th century, incunabula, book bindings and maps from the 15th to the 17th century. We will show for example; Zábrdovice Gospel from the 11th century, which is among the most valuable illuminated manuscripts in the Czech lands; two Czech translations of the Bible from the 15th century (Olomouc Bible and Boskovice Bible), one of the largest documents in the library collections, the over 60 centimetre high Louka Gradual (15th century) and the incunabulum of Boccaccios Famous Women from the 15th century. A round map of the world from the late 15th century is also very unique.

You will find information on the history of the library, illustrated documents from the library collection, and archive materials in the Olomouc Regional Museum.  The exhibition in the Research Library in Olomouc will present important figures and curiosities related to its history. 

Photo Gallery
Augustinus Aurelius

Psalmorum explanatio, 1489

Boskovicka Bible (of Boskovice)

about half of the 20s of the 15th century

Boskovicka Bible (of Boskovice)

about half of the 20s of the 15th century

Olomoucka bible (of Olomouc)


Olomoucka bible (of Olomouc)

detail, 1417

Evangeliary of Zábrdovice

2nd half of the 11th century

Gradual of Louka


Gradual of Louka

detail, 1499

Jean d´Arras

Chronique de Melusine, 1476

Missal of Olomouc


Missal of Prague



Todays opening hours

Archdiocesan Museum Olomouc 10.00-18.00
Museum of Modern Art 10 AM - 6 PM
Archdiocesan Museum Kroměříž 8.30 AM - 6 PM

Saturday | 11. 5. 2024

Today is open

Pokladna otevřená út–ne 10-18 hodin, Rezervace na pokladna@muo.cz
telefon: 585 514 241

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