Fascination with Reality

THU | 15. 6. | 4.30 PM | MMU - THREE NAVES | FREE ENTRY
Guided tour of the exhibition Fascination with Reality | Hyperrealism in Czech Painting

Curator Barbora Kundračíková takes you to the exposition.


Todays opening hours

Archdiocesan Museum Olomouc 10.00-18.00
Museum of Modern Art 10 AM - 6 PM
Archdiocesan Museum Kroměříž 8.30 AM - 6 PM

Tuesday | 21. 5. 2024

Today is open

Pokladna otevřená út–ne 10-18 hodin, Rezervace na pokladna@muo.cz
telefon: 585 514 241

8 exhibitions open

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