Common Crisis: Barbora Zentková & Julia Gryboś, Imrich Veber

TUE | 3. 8. | 7 P.M. | Caesar Gallery | FREE ENTRY
Opening of the second part of the Common Crisis project

Opening of the second part of the Common Crisis project. Barbora Zentková and Julia Gryboś respond to the spatial and functional conditions of the Caesar Gallery, reconstruct and update their previous project Tiredness Quotes (2020) for the exhibition. It also includes a series of participatory events led by Imrich Veber bridging together the citys public space and gallery. The non-traditional exhibition in the traditional gallery is complemented by a series of video screening of films and art videos changing on a daily basis, selected by the curators of PAF - Festival of Film Animation and Contemporary Art.

authors: Barbora Zentková & Julia Gryboś, Imrich Veber, PAF

curators: Jakub Frank, Martin Fišr, Miroslav Schubert

Todays opening hours

Archdiocesan Museum Olomouc 10.00-18.00
Museum of Modern Art 10 AM - 6 PM
Archdiocesan Museum Kroměříž 8.30 AM - 6 PM

Saturday | 18. 5. 2024

Today is open

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